not influencers
Our Experts-in-Residence are seasoned business owners, lawyers, and coaches. They’ve been in your shoes, navigated the unknown, and are sending the ladder back down.

They’re here to help you make better decisions and offer a second perspective. Our experts are highly vetted and hand selected based on substance, not social, so you know you’re getting the good stuff.
Exclusive advice and insights
Office hours and group coaching sessions
Real-time, personalized feedback
Vetted industry experts, no scam artists
Pollen membership pricing
Unlock the full power of a Pollen membership to take your
independent consulting business to the next level.
Billed quarterly
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Your Pollen membership includes unlimited access to
Sprints, events, and live workshops
Vetted community of peers and experts
Premium resources and tools
Weekly events
Prioritize real progress with multi-week sprints, single-session workshops, and connect with fellow members.
Vetted Community
This is what they mean when they say “find your people.” Pollen’s community of experts who know what it takes to go solo—all the triumphs and self-belief it requires—and they’re in it with you.
Tools & Resources
An easier, faster way to find the answers and insights you’ve been looking for, and to discover the ones you’ll need next.