Austin Church
Biz Dev
Austin is a brand consultant, fractional CMO, writer, and business coach who helps independents get the best clients, make more money, and enjoy their freedom. His goal? To help 1 million independents make $100K.
About Austin
Austin is a writer, brand strategist, and business coach passionate about faith and family. He can’t get enough barbecue, fantasy fiction, travel, or morning runs, and has a fascination with the game of entrepreneurship.

He believes it’s possible to make great money doing the work that brings us joy. However, most creatives and artists aren’t naturally gifted at business. You can be excellent at writing or design and terrible at making money.

Thankfully, he's here to teach and remind us of the right habits and business skills that mean the difference between scraping by and truly thriving. His mission is to help 1M independents make $100K doing joyful, profitable work.
Austin x Pollen
The Pollen team has created the best community for independents. It has been my joy (seriously, joy) to be an Expert in Residence, workshop instructor, and grow alongside the smart, kind, interesting, and talented consultants who are members. The best is yet to come for our industry and Pollen, too.
Events led by Austin
Austin Church
Setting Boundaries with Clients
Austin Church
Setting Boundaries with Clients
Private network of peers to learn and build with
Education and resources made for independents
The best guidance to move forward
Exclusive data, insights, and deals
Quality programming and events
Seasoned experts to support you
The premier entrepreneurial
Private network of peers to learn and build with
Education and resources made for independents
The best guidance to move forward
Exclusive data, insights, and deals
Quality programming and events
Seasoned experts to support you
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