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Understand what your Twitter profile is supposed to do

Twitter is a powerful platform and a great way to promote your freelance business. But, like any other social media site, it’s effective only if you understand its purpose and how to use it correctly. And the first thing you have to perfect? Your profile. 

Your Twitter profile is your calling card. It's what will make people decide whether or not to follow you, and it's also one of the first places clients look when they're considering hiring you. Having a strong Twitter profile that accurately reflects your brand and your voice is essential to any freelancer.

An impressive Twitter profile will hook strangers in seconds. And that’s about all the time you have to get someone to click “Follow”. But once they do, that’s a big win for you.

Maybe, you find the process of creating a Twitter profile intimidating—it certainly was for me. And my first one was a total flop. It was vague. It was packed with jargon. It didn’t show visitors the real me. 

Here’s what it looked like: 

Then I realized that a Twitter profile is a lot like a website landing page. It has four jobs: 

  1. Illustrate who you are in 3 seconds

  2. Tell readers what you can do for them

  3. Boost your credibility

  4. Point to a call to action (next step)

Here’s my Twitter profile now:

See the difference? In this playbook, I'll take you step-by-step through how to create your own exceptional Twitter profile. Your profile will go from one that’s vague or jargon-packed to something that will help you build your credibility while representing who you are. We’ll build your credibility and add calls to action to hook people in. By the end, you’ll have a standout Twitter profile that will bring in clients.

Exercise: Audit your Twitter profile

Now, let’s do a quick check before we get started. Look at your profile and ask:

  1. Can a stranger tell you what I can accomplish within three seconds?

  2. Does it display my values and personality?

  3. Do I have a credibility signifier that wows strangers?

If you feel like you can do a better job on any of these, then let’s get started!

What did we learn?

What are the four aims of a great Twitter profile?

What is the value of a standout Twitter profile? 

How long do you have to hook a stranger with your Twitter profile?

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