Increase Your Perceived Value with Prospects

Terry Rice
Add credibility and bonuses to your offer to increase perceived value
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People pay for certainty. In other words, “How strongly do I believe that I will achieve the result I’m looking for if I make this purchase?”

When you make your offer more of a sure bet in the customer's eyes, you increase the likelihood of conversion. Building credibility by showcasing a few key assets and offering bonuses will help you increase your perceived value with prospects.

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Think of your promotional material as your portfolio –- it’s a chance to show off your credibility. When putting together your promotional material, you should include tangible examples or assets. For example:

  • Testimonials
  • Industry awards or recognition
  • Press mentions
  • Past full-time experience
  • Messaging (describing how easy the process/working with you is)
  • Past projects
  • Certifications

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People value what isn’t always available. Adding scarcity to your offer increases the value and gives your customer a reason to make a decision. Scarcity doesn’t mean using snake oil salesman tricks—it means being honest about your actual constraints.

Examples of scarcity include:

  • You can only take on two clients per month, or maybe your clients need to book 30 days in advance.
  • For past accelerators, I’ve limited enrollment to 8 people per once-a-month workshop.
  • Some online courses offer a discounted price within a certain timeframe, providing a deadline.

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But wait, there’s more! Just seeing the word “bonus” can catch someone's attention and increase the perceived value of your offer and the likelihood of purchase.

Since the offer and price have been established, all the bonuses make the price sound like an even better deal.

Bonus Ideas:

  • Increased access to you
  • Check-in meetings
  • Text/email support
  • Bonus videos and training
  • Lifetime access to course updates
  • Access to a community of peers Complimentary products (For instance: One-year subscription to a relevant service)

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Terry Rice
Hey there! I’m the managing director of HeyCreator, an agency that helps entrepreneurs sell online courses and community memberships. And, we also help them nurture and engage their audience by writing their weekly newsletters. I’m also a high-performance coach to entrepreneurs, keynote speaker and journalist at Entrepreneur magazine. Beyond that, I’m the host of Reclaim + Advance, a podcast that helps entrepreneurs overcome setbacks and perform at their highest level. Prior to becoming a creator-entrepreneur, my previous experience included internal consulting roles at Adobe and Meta. Based in Brooklyn, I’m a husband, father of five children, and an advocate for mental and physical fitness.
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