Write a Bio that Converts Clients

Terry Rice
Share your story in a way that turns readers into clients
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This may come as a shock, but your bio is not about you. Sure, you’re a key part of it, but the secret to a bio that converts readers into customers is making the bio all about your customer.

Given you’re an independent consultant, your expertise is a given. When writing their bios, however, people get so caught up in talking about their expertise that they miss an opportunity to move their reader with why they do what they do for the people they do it for. Your target audience wants to feel seen, heard, and understood. They want to know that you have a plan for them. That’s when they go from reader to client.

Your story and the way you tell it are your only real unique differentiators. When you’ve mastered telling your story in a way that connects with your audience, showcases your personality, and establishes your credibility, you’ll start to lock in more business.

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When you can connect with your target audience, you increase their desire to become your client. There are many ways to do this.

How you got started

Sharing an anecdote about how you got started is a great way to hook your reader because it says, “I know what it’s like to be in your shoes.” It connects you to them in a way that shows you know the struggle of starting out because you’ve been there, you’ve lived it.

Your Why

Another way to connect with your audience is through your why. What you do is important, but why you do it—especially if the why is personal to you—is even more important. Your why is what will move your audience. It’s what will motivate them to work with you personally because it's more than just about business for you; it’s about the impact you can have on their lives.

Your Values

Sharing what you believe in – hard work, having fun, resilience, sharing the last cookie, insert yours here – whatever that may be, is another great way to connect with your audience.

Kim Kaupe does a great job of immediately connecting with her target audience by opening with a relatable “ground zero” scenario and weaving her values into the visual.

kim kaupe

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You’re living proof that the dream outcome is achievable, so now it’s time to show off those achievements. Share the awards you’ve won, the noteworthy clients or positions you’ve had, and the successful outcomes you achieved while working with those clients or companies.


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When I started sharing on social media that I have four kids at home and enjoy Crossfit five times a week while still managing my business, I received so much positive engagement from fellow parents. They made it clear they wanted to work with me over other coaches because I understood what it was to juggle and still be a successful family man and businessman through discipline and a commitment to process.

You want to share tidbits of information about your life that show your story outside of your expertise to really highlight what it’s like to work with you as a person. This is another way to connect and relate to your target audience.


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You’ve connected with your audience and you’ve proven you have the blueprint for achieving success. Now, you’re offering to share that knowledge with them, and they can feel confident in paying for the value of working with you.

In Kim Kaupe’s sample bio above, she makes it clear that she’s opening up her playbook to share her expertise after she establishes a connection and credibility upfront. Make your offering clear and watch your leads turn into clients.

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This may come as a shock, but your bio is not about you. Sure, you’re a key part of it, but the secret to a bio that converts readers into customers is making the bio all about your customer.

Given you’re an independent consultant, your expertise is a given. When writing their bios, however, people get so caught up in talking about their expertise that they miss an opportunity to move their reader with why they do what they do for the people they do it for. Your target audience wants to feel seen, heard, and understood. They want to know that you have a plan for them. That’s when they go from reader to client.

Your story and the way you tell it are your only real unique differentiators. When you’ve mastered telling your story in a way that connects with your audience, showcases your personality, and establishes your credibility, you’ll start to lock in more business.

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Terry Rice
Hey there! I’m the managing director of HeyCreator, an agency that helps entrepreneurs sell online courses and community memberships. And, we also help them nurture and engage their audience by writing their weekly newsletters. I’m also a high-performance coach to entrepreneurs, keynote speaker and journalist at Entrepreneur magazine. Beyond that, I’m the host of Reclaim + Advance, a podcast that helps entrepreneurs overcome setbacks and perform at their highest level. Prior to becoming a creator-entrepreneur, my previous experience included internal consulting roles at Adobe and Meta. Based in Brooklyn, I’m a husband, father of five children, and an advocate for mental and physical fitness.
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